The average price of an apartment on the Cambridge Road Estate is £156,700. When you consider the average rents that are achieved in the Cambridge Road Estate are £972 per month, this gives us a yield of 7.4% per year. However, yields in the North Kingston River roads are only 3.6% per year (because the average property on the River Roads is worth £769,400 and the average rent is £2,300 per month, making that 3.6% yield. (a 7.4% yield is 105% higher than 3.6% yield).
This, however, is a great example of annual yield/return not being the only factor when choosing an investment property, as you should also consider how much the value of the property goes up in the long term. In the last 10 years, property values have only risen on average by 43% in the Cambridge Road Estate, which is very impressive. However, average property values on the North Kingston River roads development have risen on average by 84% in the same time frame. So, if you are investing in Kingston property, do you want capital value or yield?
you would like some advice about buying to let, be you a landlord with a
portfolio or someone thinking of investing in rental market, please come and
see me at our office on Kingston Hill, opposite Kingston Hospital.
June 2014
June 2014
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